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In Uncertain Times, Invest In Yourself

We’re living in difficult times. Job losses are large and wide spread. Whether you’re currently on the interview circuit or you’re simply trying to keep the job you have, polo shirts and khaki pants simply won’t cut it. Neither will cheap, off the rack suits or suits you paid more for that don’t fit you properly.

A quality suit that will last and maintain its integrity over time is one of the smartest investments a man can make. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of suits available are simply not constructed well enough to offer years of regular use.

You may feel as though you saved money by taking advantage of that special in the Sunday paper offering suits for $199 a piece, but how well will that suit hold up after a year of dry cleanings? However, there are custom made, bespoke suits made on venerable Savile Row that have been handed down for generations!

How is that possible? Here’s the all important difference…

Between the cost of manufacturing and multiple levels of profit taking, mainstream suit makers cut corners to increase revenues. This is the reason 90% of suits sold today, even at the top designer level, use a quick and inexpensive method of constructing the suit called “fusing”. Essentially the pieces of the suit are assembled using a hot glue. Though it’s certainly convenient from a business stand point, there are many disadvantages to wearing or owning a suit made in this manner kamagra oral jelly prix.

The glue introduces a stiffness to the fabric preventing the jacket from conforming to your body and flowing with your movements (the hallmark of a well made suit). The glues also repel water, adding further discomfort as the cloth will not breath properly (if you sweat even just a little, you may end up sticking to your jacket). The long term longevity of the suit is effected, as the glues are known to breakdown and bubble up through the fabric over time – symptoms of this can occur after only a couple of dry cleanings. You’re paying a premium for a garment that is simply not built to last.

Alternatively, in bespoke tailoring we construct fully canvassed suits in which a floating canvas lies between the lining and the fabric, attached with hundreds of stitches. This stitched construction is the mark of a beautifully crafted suit. It will maintain the integrity of the fabric allowing it to breath, drape properly, and offer a natural look and fit. It will also extend the life of a garment profoundly.

In this economy, every dollar counts. Quality, craftsmanship, and durability are of the utmost importance. When you invest in a great custom made suit, you can rest assured it will be hanging in your closet for years.

You will make many memories while wearing this suit and it would not be unusual if the mere act of wearing it brought opportunities to you that may otherwise have never presented themselves… perhaps even life changing events. You can’t put a price on that. Of course, quality will always remain the best bargain of all.

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